Return flights from London
7 nights in a 4-star hotel 15 meals: 7 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 7 dinners and welcome drink
Travelsphere Holiday Director and Specialist Local Guide
Overseas transfers, other transportation and porterage
Portable audio headset system on excursions
Included Holiday Highlights
Sightseeing in the city of Cordoba Explore Andalucia's regional capital,
Seville Enjoy a light lunch at one of Seville's fine tapas bars
Granada tour and the Alhambra Palace
Day 1 UK - Malaga
Day 2 Antequera - at Leisure
Day 3 Cordoba
Day 4 Seville
Day 5 Antequera - at Leisure
Day 6 Granada
Day 7 Antequera - at Leisure
Day 8 Malaga - UK